Painting — Flower

3,500 ₽
Dimensions: 25x35 cm
Weight: 0.8 kg
Thickness: 1 cm
Canvas on stretcher: 100% cotton
Material: exture paste, acrylic, golden leaf, protective varnish
Additional characteristics: handmade
Artist: KK_art (Kozyreva Karina)

The painting “Flower” not only has a beautiful appearance, but also carries a deep meaning. The flower background, aged using a special method, reminds us of the importance of leaving the past, grievances and pain behind. It shows that transforming and moving forward can be difficult. But if we do not let go of past grievances, they will leave their imprint on our lives, similar to the imprint that remains on the flower in the picture.

The part of the flower covered with gold symbolizes the masks under which we hide our true selves. It reminds us of the importance of being ourselves, being authentic and accepting ourselves as we are. After all, only then will we be able to overcome our fears.

The painting “Flower” calls us to liberate ourselves from the grievances of the past, from masks and to search for our true essence. She reminds us that each of us is unique and can flourish despite obstacles. Be open to transformation and allow yourself to blossom.

The interior paintings were created in a meditative state by the founder of the Art Yogamatic company, Karina Kozyreva (KK_art). The difference between these paintings is that they are all completely handmade, handmade by the author, and have a unique style.