Yoga Guide by Elena Malova

1,700 ₽


We created this manual so that you can study the theoretical adjustment of asanas and get the most positive effect from each practice.

Correct adjustment is for your safety and prevention of possible injuries and sprains. With proper adjustment, you will be able to experience each asana in a new way, explore it, and dive deeper into your sensations and breathing.

The manual presents 50 basic asanas in the form of a catalog of photographs with comments and a brief description.

Consult your doctor before starting to practice asanas on your own; if you experience any pain or discomfort, stop practicing. The sequence is designed for a healthy person who has no contraindications to sports/yoga. The information in this manual is given for informational purposes and theoretical study. The authors of the manual "50 asanas. Adjustment" are not responsible for a person practicing at home without the supervision of an experienced instructor.

The book is provided in electronic form (pdf), and will be available for downloading immediately after payment.

All materials in this course are the intellectual property of Elena Malova and her representative in the Russian Federation, ART Yogamatic LLC, are protected by Copyright Law, are intended only for personal use and cannot be transferred to third parties. Any distribution of information, screenshots, videos, or access to your personal account is prohibited and entails litigation, fines, and blacklisting. Do not share the link to log in to the platform or forward the email with the data to third parties. This may compromise your personal data. All video lessons are encoded with a personal code, unique for each participant. If suspicious activity is detected in the account and fraud is detected, access to the course is blocked without the right of recovery and without a refund.